C H O O S E your words wisely when you speak, and it will change your life!One of my favorite books “The Four Agreements” talks about how we create stories in our lives by using language. In this blog, I want to show you how you can create a better life using your own word...
MoreJune 12, 2020
Return to L O V E...
My heart is broken and I know many of yours, too. What happened to us as humans? We have never stopped being against one another, separating ourselves from love?
We haven’t learned our lesson, an...
MoreJune 03, 2020
Get your mind right! Discover your own human mind and use it for good
In support of Mental Health Awareness.
May is mental health month, and after spending 28 days in quarantine to get back into Turkey. I bring this to you at the end of May, with my own insig...
MoreMay 23, 2020
What if it is not about crossing the finish line?
Sometimes it is not about the destination. Sometimes it is about being on that journey. learning during that time, and becoming a different person…
I hope this blog will in...
MoreApril 08, 2020
BE S T I L LWhen there is no control, when things are not going the way you want, then there is a sign for you…
2019 was hard enough for many of us, yet many awkward and not joyful events happened since 202...
MoreMarch 23, 2020
STOP Running, START EnJOYYing…
When was the last time you stopped and drank your coffee, slowly? When was the last time you paused and allowed yourself to be fully present? Or have you ever paused before drinking your coffee, holdin...
MoreFebruary 27, 2020
How to Attract People You Want to Work withAs I promised in the previous blog, today we’re going to talk about how you can attract the people you would like to work with. In other words, you’ll discover how you can make people want to w...
MoreFebruary 22, 2020
People buy from people they like or are alike ;)This doesn’t mean that people have to fall in love with you to do business with you, or you have to fall in love with your clients, However, they need to either like you as a person or match with your ene...
MoreFebruary 18, 2020
What is L O V E for you?As today is the L O V E day, I want you to think about the meaning of love for you.
First of all, everything can mean something different for everyone. One person can define love like a spouse, another...
MoreFebruary 14, 2020
I have been CHANGED!
“Let me tell you, all my friends
About this joyy I'm living in
Let me take the mic, go on and testify
How I was dead and then I came to life…”
Jordan Feliz &ndas...
MoreFebruary 07, 2020
BELIEVE in your dreams crazily!Miracles are everywhere…
If you really want something from your heart and believe in yourself & your passions, things will start to change – the universe will start taking care of you…
MoreFebruary 04, 2020
Believe. Trust. Manifest your desires, how to let go of control!What is it with people today! Why can’t we just go with the flow and trust the process? Why is it so hard for us to let go of things that are not fulfilling our dreams? We always want to control things ar...
MoreJanuary 24, 2020
5 Steps to Protect Your EnergyWhen you imagine that everything around you is of the highest power, energy, yet you don’t quite know how to use or protect it.
Working from coffee shops, and especially going to one regularly gi...
MoreJanuary 17, 2020
Need some CHANGE?When do you stop?
When do you stop hurting yourself or doing something that doesn’t serve you anymore?
You may have said to yourself “I’m done with this, enough is enou...
MoreJanuary 05, 2020
Only YOUYou’ve heard so many times this “Only YOU can change your life, these are 5 steps you need to change…etc.“ And, you are saying things like: “Nah, I don’t like it, ...
MoreDecember 22, 2019